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Install Dell OpenManage on Ubuntu 14.04

For more detailed instructions, see the official site. Add the apt repository information by creating the file: To verify the package signature, add the following repository key to apt: Update apt with new repository […]

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Confluence PlantUML Plugin

Confluence provides a free PlantUML plugin which can be used to create UML diagrams using written text. If you receive the below error… …if you’re hosting it on Linux, you likely just need to install […]

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Open Source

Upgrade Snipe

Recently I was tasked with upgrading an old Snipe instance. Below are the details of what we are going from, to. Current Target Ubuntu 14.04Snipe v3.6.3Apache (mod_php)PHP 5.5.9 Ubuntu 16.04Snipe v4.6.8Apache PHP-FPMPHP 7.0.32 Contents1 Backup1.1 […]

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Arch Linux

X2Go on Ubuntu Server 14.04

In a previous post, I talked about my experience using X2Go with XFCE4 and Lubuntu. Here is how it was achieved….. Contents1 On the Server1.1 Create a User Account1.2 Configure SSH1.3 Install Lightweight Desktop Environment1.3.1 […]

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CentOS 6

Rackspace Cloud Monitoring Agent

The Rackspace cloud monitoring agent allows you to monitor CPU, memory, filesystem usage and system processes. It does this by collecting information about the system and pushing it out to Rackspace Cloud Monitoring web services, […]