CentOS / Red Hat
Unable to Install mkpasswd on CentOS 6.4
Unable to Install mkpasswd on CentOS 6.4
I configured my kernel as shown here. That was based on the information found here and here. Check out the resources section at the bottom. Because my kernel is good-to-go, I should just need to […]
Contents1 Install NFSv42 Find NFS Shares3 Auto-Mount NFS Shares4 References Install NFSv4 The below command will install with the default USE flags of ipv6, tpcd and nfsv4. emerge –ask nfs-utils Find NFS Shares If you […]
Secure Copy (scp) is a Linux remote file copy command. It can be used like the Copy (cp) command but supports the secure transfer of file between hosts on a network. The basic synopsis for […]
I have already installed Gentoo with a Kernel supporting NVidia graphics cards using the open-source Nouveau driver. I also have a working installation of Xorg server. Now all that’s left to do now is install […]
After a little research I have decided to install krusader as my file manager. Installing it should be fairly simple. emerge –ask krusader After seeing the below output… [spoiler] storm ~ # emerge –ask krusader […]
Rackspace provides a great easy to use tool for managing your DNS. The first thing you need to do is create a zone file for the domain you want to manage. To do this, first […]
Rackspace cloud load-balancers allow you to easily distribute the traffic across multiple nodes. Every time you create a new cloud server, it is assigned a new public IP address. If you were to image that […]
First you need to prepare the machine that you are going to use. I’m using a Rackspace cloud server. In which case, all I need to do is spin up a server and update the […]
Assuming you’ve already “spun-up” a Linux cloud server of your choice, the first thing to do is update the system. Here I’m using Ubuntu Server 13.10. SSH onto your box with the below command, replacing […]
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