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Using Supernova

There are four ways to interact with the Rackspace cloud API to manage your services.  They are: Rackspace CLI Nova CLI Supernova CLI Curl Supernova is essentially a wrapper to Nova, but unlike Nova, supports […]


Supernova on Arch Linux

In a previous article I demonstrated how you can install, configure and use the nova client to manage your Rackspace  cloud via the command line using the Restful API. The nova client is great but […]

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Arch Linux

X2Go on Ubuntu Server 14.04

In a previous post, I talked about my experience using X2Go with XFCE4 and Lubuntu. Here is how it was achieved….. Contents1 On the Server1.1 Create a User Account1.2 Configure SSH1.3 Install Lightweight Desktop Environment1.3.1 […]

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Rackspace DNS

Log into the Rackspace cloud control panel and click on on the DNS tab at the top of the screen. Then click on Create Domain, fill out the details, and click Create Domain again to […]

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CentOS 6

Rackspace Cloud Monitoring Agent

The Rackspace cloud monitoring agent allows you to monitor CPU, memory, filesystem usage and system processes. It does this by collecting information about the system and pushing it out to Rackspace Cloud Monitoring web services, […]