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Install netdata on Ubuntu 16.04

Unfortunately there is not currently a .DEB installation file so we must install it manually. Update the package index and install the required and recommended packages for netdata. Clone the Netdata repository. Then install Netdata […]

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Open Source

Upgrade Snipe

Recently I was tasked with upgrading an old Snipe instance. Below are the details of what we are going from, to. Current Target Ubuntu 14.04Snipe v3.6.3Apache (mod_php)PHP 5.5.9 Ubuntu 16.04Snipe v4.6.8Apache PHP-FPMPHP 7.0.32 Contents1 Backup1.1 […]


Migrate GitLab Instance to new Host

Here I migrate a GitLab installation from one server to another. The hostname and IP addresses will be different. Both were installed from the Omnibus version. However, currently the exact version numbers differ. In order […]


Install and Configure GitLab on Ubuntu 16.04

Dependencies Run to the below command to install the GitLab dependencies. sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl openssh-server postfix When prompted, select Internet Site when configuring Postfix. Enter the FQDN. Installing GitLab GitLab […]