Getting Started with AWS using the AWS CLI
In a previous article I demonstrated how to get started with AWS by creating a public IPv4 VPC and subnet before creating a new EC2 instance. In this article, I’ll demonstrate how the same can […]
In a previous article I demonstrated how to get started with AWS by creating a public IPv4 VPC and subnet before creating a new EC2 instance. In this article, I’ll demonstrate how the same can […]
If your just getting started with AWS, one of the first things you will likely want to do is quickly create an EC2 instance. In order to do that however, you will need to create […]
This is a handy command line tool that can calculate subnets for you. For example. It should be available in the community repository. If you’re using pamac, you can check with. And the install it […]
I need a read-only user to monitor the state of a MySQL databases. This can be done by simply granting only the select privilege on a particular database to a given user. You can check […]
To install packages on the EOL Debian 7.8 (Wheezy), you need to amend your /etc/apt/sources.list. Add the following line. Refresh the repository cache. You should now be able to search for packages. Or install.
nvpy is a great lightweight note taking and simplenote client application. To use this application, first create a simplenotes account if you don’t already have one. Search the AUR for the correct package. Here I […]
Following from a previous article where I demonstrated how to synchronise data to a remote host using lsyncd, this one with show how to deal with the below problem I faced. The problem I faced […]
Based on rsync, lsyncd is a demonised implementation that monitors for file modifications, and triggers a synchronisation if detected. Here I am using Ubuntu 18.04 at both ends but the process should pretty much be […]
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