Installing nvpy on Manjaro i3

nvpy is a great lightweight note taking and simplenote client application. To use this application, first create a simplenotes account if you don’t already have one.

Search the AUR for the correct package.

[andy@home-pc ~]$ pamac search nvpy --aur
nvpy-git                                                                            r724.c1b8549-1  AUR 
    Simplenote syncing note-taking application, inspired by Notational Velocity
    and ResophNotes, but uglier and cross-platformerer.
nvpy                                                                                2.1.0-2         AUR 
    Simplenote syncing note-taking application, but uglier and cross-platformerer.

Here I install the nvpy package.

[andy@home-pc ~]$ pamac build nvpy

Copy the example configuration from /usr/share/nvpy/nvpy.cfg to your home directory.

[andy@home-pc ~]$ cp -v /usr/share/nvpy/nvpy.cfg ~/.nvpy.cfg
'/usr/share/nvpy/nvpy.cfg' -> '/home/andy/.nvpy.cfg'
[andy@home-pc ~]$ vim ~/.nvpy.cfg

The only part that is required is the username and password.

 sn_username = 
 sn_password = 

Enter your simplenote username/email address and password here. Once you launch nvpy, you should find it automatically starts to synchronise.

That’s it! Give it a go!

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