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Getting Started with Rclone

Rclone is a command line tool used to mount and synchronise files and directories between a Linux workstation and various cloud-based storage provides like Amazon S3, Dropbox, Google Cloud storage, and many more.  In this […]

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OpsviewImportRuntime Error

Today I started noticing the below errors which were appearing when logged in at the terminal. This can happen when an import get interrupted by a reboot or something. Check an import is not currently […]

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CentOS 7

Host your Own Yum Repository

Here we create our own yum repository on a fresh up-to-date installation of Centos 7. Configure Nginx First install the EPEL repository. And then Nginx. Start and enable Nginx. Install and configure a local firewall. […]

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htpasswd with Nginx on CentOS 7

To setup basic HTTP authentication with Nginx on CentOS 7, first install httpd-tools. Create user and password: Amend your Nginx vhost configuration: Add the following lines: Check and reload vhost configuration:

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Install s3fs on Centos 7

s3fs allows Linux users to mount an S3 bucket via FUSE as if it were like any other file system. Install the EPEL repository. Then install s3fs. Copy public and private keys to ~/.passwd-s3fs. To […]

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Secure Opsview Monitor with SSL Certificate

Contents1 LetsEncrypt1.1 Apache Configuration1.2 Install LetsEncrypt1.3 Amend Apache Configuration2 Manually Install SSL Certificate LetsEncrypt If your Opsview Monitor web interface is public facing, securing your site with LetsEncrypt is likely the easiest solution. Apache Configuration […]